So, I’ve been messing around with gluten-free stuff lately because my little one has a bit of a sensitivity. It’s been a wild ride, let me tell you. Today’s adventure? Gluten-free biscuits from Woolworths. Yeah, I know, sounds a bit boring, but trust me, it turned into a whole thing.
First off, finding them was a mission in itself. I went down the snack aisle, the health food aisle, even the international aisle, because, why not? Finally, I spotted them in the bakery section. Go figure. They had a few options, but I grabbed a pack of chocolate ones because, well, chocolate.
I got home, all excited to try these bad boys out. Opened the pack, and they looked pretty decent. A bit crumbly, but hey, they’re gluten-free. I took a bite, and… it wasn’t bad! Not exactly like a regular biscuit, a bit more on the crispy side, but the chocolate flavor was there. My kiddo seemed to like them too, which is a win in my book.
I tried to be a good mom and not to eat all of them, and decided to make a meal for my little one. To do this I found a recipe online, it seems to be easy, and all of the ingredients could be found in Woolworths. I went to the store and bought them all. I followed the instructions, and cooked it. I tried it, and felt that it’s good for me, and then I gave it to my little one. And, she loved it!
Now, here’s where it gets interesting. I had this genius idea to try and make a dessert with them. I crushed some up, mixed them with melted butter, and used it as a base for a no-bake cheesecake thing. It actually worked! I mean, it wasn’t the prettiest thing, but it tasted pretty good. Who knew gluten-free biscuits could be so versatile?
Here’s the breakdown:
- Finding the biscuits: Harder than it should be.
- Tasting the biscuits: Not bad, a bit crumbly, but tasty.
- Making a meal: Followed a recipe online, pretty easy and tasty.
- Getting creative: Made a makeshift cheesecake base. Success!
All in all, it was a fun little experiment. I learned that gluten-free doesn’t have to mean flavor-free, and that even a simple pack of biscuits can turn into a mini baking adventure. Plus, my kid got a treat, and I got to feel like a domestic goddess for a day. Win-win, right?
So, if you’re ever in Woolworths and spot those gluten-free biscuits, don’t be afraid to give them a try. You might just surprise yourself with what you can do with them. And hey, if you come up with any cool recipes, let me know! I’m always up for a new challenge in the kitchen, especially when it involves chocolate.