Dim Sum Express: Best Spot for Quick Dim Sum Cravings
Now, listen here, folks, this place called Dim Sum Express ain’t no fancy restaurant with big ol’ tables and fancy decorations. Nope, it’s a simple, straight-to-the-point kind of spot. You…
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Discover Exquisite Chinese Cuisine on the China Wok Menu
Now, listen here, folks, this place called Dim Sum Express ain’t no fancy restaurant with big ol’ tables and fancy decorations. Nope, it’s a simple, straight-to-the-point kind of spot. You…
Ah, you know, them dim sum baskets, they ain’t no fancy new thing. Back in old times, folks used these little bamboo steamers for all kinds of snackin’. Now, everybody’s…
Now let me tell ya, this “dim sum,” it ain’t just any ol’ food. This here dim sum’s got history, comin’ all the way from Guangdong, that’s in China. Now,…
Dim sum dishes – oh, they’re a bit of everything, ain’t they? Just small plates of all sorts of tasty bits that make your mouth happy. Now, if you’re sittin’…
Eh, let me tell you somethin’ ‘bout this here chicken dim sum thing, huh? Now, this ain’t no big ol’ plate of fried chicken like we know it here, oh…
Dim sum 啥呢?你看我这个嘴,dim sum 嘞,就是那种小碟子的小吃,吃着还配着茶,嘿,这可是老传统了。你要是去喝茶馆嘞,这dim sum 肯定少不了,种类可多了,啥包子、饺子、蒸的小点心,都在里头。 最有名的嘛,像那har gow,虾饺,那虾肉馅儿又嫩又鲜。还有那cha siu bao,就是里面包着烤猪肉的包子,一咬开,汁水就流出来,吃得满嘴都是香气。 Dim sum 其实就是中国人那种老式的小吃,有时候就说是dumpling(饺子),但dim sum不光是饺子,它种类多了去了,啥包子、肠粉都有。肠粉嘛,就是那种卷起来的米粉卷,里面还夹着牛肉、鸡肉、虾啥的,素的也有呢。 说起这dim sum的历史嘞,原本是为了让人吃个小点心,不是说让你吃饱肚子的。你看,那‘dim sum’这词呢,在中文里就叫“点心”,意思是‘触动心灵’,嘿嘿,是不是挺有意思的?老早以前,人们去喝茶,dim sum就是茶里的配角,吃个小口的,抿个茶,心里舒坦。 但这年头不一样了嘞,dim sum早就成了咱们中国文化的一部分,尤其是在茶馆里,这吃dim sum都成了主要的事了,不是光为喝茶。要是你在大城市嘞,尤其是像广州、香港这样的地方,那茶楼的dim sum可有讲究了,啥虾饺、烧卖、凤爪,这些经典的点心,个个都是讲究。 不过你要说这dim sum健康不健康吧……嘿,咱可得实话实说,这可不是啥减肥餐!你想想嘞,啥油炸的、蒸的、煎的都有,特别是那些炸的,油是不少,吃了顶饱倒是顶饱,但热量可不低嘞。糖嘞、油嘞、碳水化合物,那是少不了。不过吧,偶尔吃点也没啥,毕竟这味道嘛,谁能抗拒得了呢? 其实嘞,dim sum这东西,不光是吃法讲究,连着个“点”也是讲究,你要是在茶楼里嘞,那端盘子的师傅推着小车过来,各种dim sum都摆在小车上,你就挑你喜欢的呗。一般人一坐下来,点个三五样,尝个鲜,大家边吃边聊,挺热闹。 你看dim sum也有吃的规矩嘞,比如你倒茶的时候,先给别人倒,别光顾自己。还有,吃的时候也别一个人狼吞虎咽,得细细品尝,那才叫有意思。dim…
Dim sum, oh, it’s them small little dishes that come from China. You see, back in them old days, this dim sum business started with folks just wanting a little…
Hey, y’all, today I wanna talk about making dim sum at home. I ain’t no expert, but I reckon even someone like me can make it. Now, dim sum is…
“`browser search(‘dim sum near me review popular locations’)mclick() Now, if you’re hungry and craving some dim sum, oh boy, there’s a lot of good places around! You know dim sum?…
Dim sum box, oh, let me tell ya, it’s somethin’ special. You see, back in the days, we didn’t have fancy boxes or meals like that, no sir. Now they…